Scarlett Proclaims Her Love For Ashley at Twelve
Scarlett inquires
who Rhett is at Twelve Oaks
believe in Rhett Butler..He's the only cause I know of
Should be Kissed and Often...
I hate and despise you Rhett
I don't know nothin 'bout birthin babies (Prissy)
As God Is my Witness...
Rhett proclaims his love for Scarlett...
I only Know that
I love you...Thats you're Misfortune
Tommorow is another day
These are just a few of
my favorite lines from
Gone With the Wind.
Many of these wavs were found at the following site:
WIth the Wind Sound Archives
Longer Versions of several of these are availible there
How To Catch
A Man: Scarlett O'Hara Style!
Pictures of my Favorite Couple : Rhett
and Scarlett
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My Main Wavs Page
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soon...as this page is still
Under construction.
If you have an questions, comments
or suggestions feel free to email me