Directions Tips and Tricks

PC'ers, report bugs to so I can try to fix them for yous, (Note the error message to reload is webtv only)_____________________
The Fritz Fix
IF you see a Gray or White Border, and or forms vanish on this, or any other page you are visiting;
1)Try hitting "CMD" Plus "R" a few times quickly, to reload the page that way,
2)This "USUALLY" works and the white border will disappear and the forms will reappear,
3)This is due to an "upgrade bug" nick-named the "Fritz" and "CMD" plus Tapping "R" several times quickly in a row to reload the page is the only way I know of to fix it.
Directions For the Imaging Station
Directions and Tips...
Note; First Read The Fritz Fix Above, You May Need it WebtVers if you see an error message. PC's Its a webtv only error message, You must have a JavaScript capable browser to use these pages....
Webtver's; Save the Imaging Station page at in a F key Shortcut, For if you go there from a Gif or Jpg file, it will automatically Load the image as a Background, also Did you Know that with Transparent images as Backgrounds, you can change the bgcolor along with it! Cool ain't, Well this Page will text that also.
If you want to enter a Url of a Background instead, hit the button "URL of Background" and you will be prompted to enter a url of a background, well enter one and you will be taken to A Mirror Page with that background Inserted. The Clear Link brings you back to the original page so you can work without being Prompted all the time or enter nothing in the prompt
Where it says; ______
"(Current Hex Value)"| |"(Input New Value)"
1) you can enter color names or hex numbers in this form and hit (Input New Values) and the BG Color will change to the new Values.
2)(Current Hex Value) Changes the Hex #'s to the present BG Color being used, Note; If you choose a BG Color from the chart below it, It will have to be pushed to update the current BG values.
Where it says; ________
The Hex # is |________| From the Chart Below
330000 330033 330066 330099 3300CC 3300FF
1) Clicking these numbers Changes The BG color of the page and updates the # used in the form but not the Previous form, to up date the #'s in the first form, you must Click (Current Hex Value) to update the color used if you want it in the top form.
2) CLICKING THIS FORM ABOVE RELOADS PAGE, IT DOES NOT UPDATE COLORS, USE THE PREVIOUS FORM TO FINE TUNE, since the color name vanishes from clicking the chart, its inputed here to see the name you've chosen, thats all it does!!!
How to Use the Color Chart;
330000 330033 330066 330099 3300CC 3300FF
1)Notice the pattern across the line?
(00,33,66,99,CC,FF) Well to get colors in between its easy. Here is How it works;
330000 330011 330022 330033 330044 330055 330066 330077 330088 330099 3300AA 3300BB 3300CC 3300DD 3300EE 3300FF
So this will get you to fine tune colors better; test it in the Input New Values Form, you'll see, its easy! Also the same goes for the front 2 #'s and Middle 2 #'s like;
330033 331133 332233 ect... like above Just look across the chart for a pattern, and change the 2 #'s in the pattern to get colors in between them,
How to use Gray Scales;
Heres how this pattern works;
000000 111111 222222 333333 ect... to FFFFFF
000000=black [in between is Grays] FFFFFF=white
WebTvs grays are 191919 and 272727 I think if I remember right. See how each set of #'s are the same, so 464646 is also gray,
One Last Lesson; You like a color but want it darker or lighter (Gray scaled) well this is easy also, all you do is this;
#336699 is the color you like; to make it darker just subtract 1 from each set of numbers, [33 becomes 22] [66 becomes 55] [99 becomes 88] like; 225588 or darker yet 114477
Lighter goes in the opposite direction, like;
#336699 becomes #4477aa or lighter yet, #5588bb or even lighter #6699cc (see how easy this is when used with the input on the Imaging Station)
Gray scaling is the final touch to any page;
Like heres Green #00FF00, (the brightest you can get of green) Gray scale it and you will see what I mean, to gray scale green it goes like this,
00FF00 00EE00 00DD00 00CC00 00BB00 00AA00 009900 008800 007700 006600 005500 004400 003300 002200 001100
There is some really nice dark greens in there, better then any chart ever gave!!!! Doing gray scales Is beyond handy!!! and you'll get that perfect color you wanted, without days of searching.
Heres the final test if I explained it all right, gray scale the number #27de8a (Now how do I explain that?)
#27de8a scaled one darker is #16cd79
27=16 (2-1=1, 7-1=6)
de=cd (d-1=c, e-1=d)
8a=79 (8-1=7, a-1=9)
See I subtracted 1 from each number in each number.
You can jump down 4 scales if you want to;
The Math for #47de8a
47=03 0123456789abcdef
de=9a 4-4=0
8a=46 7-4=3
#039a46 is 4 scales darker then #47de8a
since a computer reads single digits,
(a is 10) (b is 11) (c is 12) ect.. to F [letters must be used to represent the numbers] I have 023456789abcdef on a piece of paper here so I can count back easy when dealing with the letters and reducing and enlaging them for quick jumps down the scale..
NOTE, before reading below;
The #FF0000 looks Orange Doesnt it? (Its pure Red) Well thats because of the Background Color, Yes Background Color mixes with the Font colors to make its own color also notice how the bold changes color above also;
So this color is a combination of the font color #FF0000 plus the BGCOLOR of #FFEBCD
Now heres how the numbers relate to colors; the first 2 digits are the RED, the middle 2 are the Green, the last 2 are the Blue, when you Hit FF in the code, its as much of that color you can get, (there is no GG or HH ect..) when you hit 00, is smallest amount possible which is none by the way, hence #FF0000 is all red and no green or blue, playing this way is like haveing a pallet and mixing your own colors, it will drive you nuts if you dont have a starting point, LOL....
Some Hints to make your life easier;
1) Your Recent Panel can be a great help in using these pages
2) You'll figure out the reason for The "Go Back 2" and "Go Back 3" if you think and play
3) If you use Cut and Paste for the Prompt when asked, erase the http dingy, lol....
4)Leave Prompt blank for solid color backgrounds (Works like a clear button)
5)Dont forget to put the Imaging Station Page on a F key ShortCut so you get the full benift of the automatic background loader. (Since Your viewing the images first, they are already in your catch and it will be instantly loaded as a background if you do this)
Well thats it for now, until I get the rest of the script in without breaking anything, LOL...
Enjoy, Trippy
Ps, credits are in the code for who did what where but all and all its me playing with bits and pieces of code from everywhere and fixing broken codes.... btw this is my first javascript creation of a collage Also all links here are part of the Credits through help or inspiration and without them, this page would not exist! For there image services are highly appreciated by all of us, Thank You to all the Links!!!
Instant Validator
NOTE: Thank You Thunderstone
From all of us at WebTv!
Heres how to make a instant F key Validator,
React's code;
1) goto your file manager
2)create a page with NOTHING on it (just a file name)
3)save it at the file
4)view that blank page
5)save that page now in your favorites
6)re-edit the page and put this script on it and nothing else and very first thing!!!
7)now go assign that to a F key shortcut and you have a instant validator. (note, yes I know the +" is off the ending of the code, its the only way it works!!!)
The old way was the script below;
If the document referrer works for you use that one if the history previous doesnt for the upgraded plus, I needed the history one!!!
Cut and Paste Workstation
Heres How to Make A Cut and Paste F key shortcut;
by me;
Simplified instructions revised by MiMir, to make the C&P shortcut easier to explain; he couldn't get it to work at geocities yet, but works great at tripod anyway;
1. Go to your account at Tripod and create a new page called clips.html (or whatever.html)
2. After "saving" the page with some basic html in it.......... go back to the Housekeeper and "Edit" this page again
NOTE; make sure you go back to your housekeeper , dont skip this step by useing your back button......
3. Edit the page again, While in the "edit" mode...."Save" it in Favorites and assign it to an F key
4. Hit "Use this html" to "save" it each time you add stuff
The # of files you do this with is only limited by your number of F keys.... (or the next trick below of 32 favorites at the touch of a button)
WHAT you do with this is only limited by your imagination
32 Favorites on a F key
A expansion on the Idea above to have 32 at the touch of the F key shortcut,
1)create a new folder at webtv favorites
2)make a bunch of Cut and Paste files and save them them all in your new webtv favorites folder like above, in the directions.
3) rename them at webtv favorites each save or they will all be titled the same, to avoid confusion later, :-)
4) when done, save the webtv folder you just made in another folder,
5) now you have a folder inside of a folder, understand~?~ put that on a favorite Key and you can have a quick jump to 32 editor files for cut and paste or whatever if you want,
On to the Imaging Station