Some may not be able to handle the following pictures.

Instructions on viewing:

1. Keep drool rag/bucket ready.

:)~ ->1 Possible
:)~~ ->2
:)~~~ ->3
:)~~~~ ->4
:)~~~~~ ->5 BEWARE!!!!
(Disclaimer: The above are rated on my own personal opinion.)

2. Make sure you are sitting in a fairly sound-proof room. For those in a school computer lab, please be considerate of those around you when you let out those squeals, screams or gasps.

3. ENJOY, tread cautiously and don't say I didn't warn you...;)

Talk about dreamy *sigh* :)~~~
All decked out. :)~~~~
SPEEDOS!!!! Need I say more??? :)~~~~~
Dreamer... :)~~
Those were the days... :)~~
Up close and personal :)~~~
My personal fav. :)~~~~~ (obviously)
Those eyes, those lips... :)~~
More eyes, more lips... :)~~
"Even I know I look good" :)~~~
WOW!!! :)~~~~
Looking relaxed. :)~~~
At home by the sea. :)~~
Another favourite... :)~~~
Who says jealousy isn't good for the soul.
mmmmm... :)~~~~
Oh my, whatta smile! :)~~~~~

Memories from Wonderland...

The model walk... :)~~~~~
The group *SIGH*

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