I am a 17 year old A Level student living in Hong Kong. I moved here when I was seven, and have lived here for the past eleven years! I am moving to London later this year, to attend a Drama School, during which time I will be undertaking a diploma in Stage Management.

My main hobbies at the moment seem to be surfing the Net, and creating web pages. But I am also a serious 'disco diva', and an avid shopperholic! My music tastes range from the Rolling Stones and The Beatles to The Cranberries, Prodigy and Daft Punk (versitile to say the least!)

I have always loved Leonardo DiCaprio, but have yet to see all of his movies. His greatest acting achievment so far, has been in 'Romeo + Juliet'. Having done Shakespeare myself, I can understand how complex the characters are, and Leo pulled it off perfectly!

I was very sceptic about 'TITANIC' at first, I thought 'oh no! here we go, another soppy love story, and everyone dies. What's the point?!. But after seeing it - I changed my mind. Now I am a serious 'Titanic' freak, and have become a great fan of Kate Winslet, as a result.

'Titanic' deserved it's 11 Oscars, and it is THE movie of the Century!!

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