Ready to meet my family? They're normal. Honest. I am the only nut. :o) Scoot your chair up to the monitor & get comfy. I kinda got carried away here.

There are four of us kids. Chris is older than me, but I am not telling you how old. Naw, she is not that much older just my big sis. Sis must have been a good baby, (are you stil good Sis?) and fooled mom and dad, cuz after sis came Bill, I think she must have been into western at that time. Bill turned out to be a cowboy. Ye Haw! That did not stop her. I was next. With me, well, I am not sure what happened. I am the really, really crazy one. Mom must have lost her mind. She went ahead and had my baby brother Richard, or was that when the winter was really hard, they could not go outside and the T.V. was broke? He must have been born really fast, because he is into gokart racing. Builds his own. Well, he must have been a really bad child cuz she stopped there. Chris married Larry. They have Bosefus and Sissy. What a bad auntie I am, cuz I can't spell Bos name. No they are not parents with a bad sense of humor. Bo and Sis are their Cocker Spaniels. Bill is no longer married but has three children. Jason, Tabitha & Michelle. He is gonna be a grandpa soon. Howdy Granpa. Me well, we don't want to discuss that marriage thing, cuz I wanna keep this a rated pg page. (it was so many many years ago that I was married to whats his name) Besides this is my page and I say what I want. :o) I do have two great children (most of the time) Mysty who is 23 and mommy to Sheldon and Tyler. She is with Eddie. Than there is Joey-19, who is with Desiree. Little Joey belongs to them. Richard is married to Margie. No children yet. Margie must think Richard is kid enough for her. I love you Richard. Oops I am being a bad aunt again, I forgot about their girl Roxi. But it is not my fault, they never have brought her to see me.

This is my sis Chris & Larry my favorite brother-in-law (my only brother -in-law) I will be adding a page for Larry of his pride and joy. His Scout. With links too. :)
                  Brother Bill & his 2 daughters on Michelles's wedding day, of course she is the one in the wedding dress. Tabitha is on the other cheek. Boy am I gonna get killed for this, but....Hey! all you single women! Brother Bill is single!! His is much cuter than this and has an a big empty space next to him in his brand new truck. We need to fill it up. For more on Bill email me. I love you Billsy Bub. The good looking man in the middle is Bills son Jason. He is in the Air Force so was not there for wedding.
Baby brother Richard, his lovely wife Margie & their girl Roxi.