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Do you have starter problems?

Have you replaced your starter more than once this year?

Will it start if you jump the solinoid?

Have you replaced the solinoid more than once this year?

Does the starter just click like the battery is dead?

Does it not turn once, then when you shut the key off and try it again, does it work?

These are all symtoms of the dreaded dead key switch phenomonon.

This is where you will find the answers to these questions.

The answer.

The most likely answer to your problem is the ignition switch is going bad. I had this problem, and put five starters in before I realized what I missed.

1. The first thing to do is to remove your dash cover. That's the piece that covers your gauges.

2. Once that is off you need to remove the piece of plastic shroud that covers the bottom of your steering column. There are two screws into the bottom of the dash and a clip that holds the two halves together.

3. Then, look up over the top of the column. You will see the switch mounted to the top with two screws. I think they are 5/16" but don't quote me on that. Remove the screws and you should be able to pull it down the passenger side of the column a little. When you can see what you are doing remove the two connectors.

4. The switch is NAPA part number KS6623. Price was 15.39 plus tax.

5. Once you have the new switch just reverse the process. The connectors only go on one way, and; one goes on first. You should be able to tell which one by looking at it.

There YOU have fixed the problem all by yourself and didn't pay anyone to do it for you.

Don't you feel good?

Do you feel that rush running to your head?

WARNING! WARNING! Danger Wil Robertson! Danger! Be careful if you continue to feel feelings like that you will become a certified IHCaholic, and; there is no known cure.

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