
I don't know if all of this is true, so don't call me an Un-true Hanson fan if any of it is wrong!....I am pretty sure it is all right!


Full name: Clarke Isaac Hanson

Age: 17

Birthdate: 11/17/80

Birthplace: Tulsa, Ok

Maritial Status: SINGLE!!!!

Fav. Food: Italian

Fav. Music: 50's and 60's Rock&Roll, Fastball, No Doubt

Fav. color: Green!

Instruments: Guitar, Keyboards

Toothbrush color: Navy (um, where'd u get that info?)

License: Yup!

Car: Nope not yet, the VW Beetle is not his, they borrowed it!

Order in the Hanson family: Oldest child


Full name: Jordan Taylor Hanson

Age: 15

Birthdate: 3/14/83

Birthplace: Jenks, Ok

Maritial Status: SINGLE!!!

Fav. Food: Mom's Brownies

Fav. Music: 50's and 60's Rock&Roll, No doubt, Fastball

Fav color: Red!

Instruments: Keyboards, Drums, Congas, Tambourine

Toothbrush color: Aquamarine (how did you figure that out?)

License: Nope, soon though! Hopefully

Car: How the Heck would he have a car with out a license?...well one that he could drive!

Order in the Hanson family: Second Oldest Child


Full name: Zachary Walker Hanson

Age: 12

Birthdate: 10/22/85

Birthplace: Arlington, VA

Fav. Food: Green Jello

Fav. Music: 50's and 60's rock&roll, No Doubt, Fastball

Fav. color: Blue!

Instruments: Drums, Keyboards, Chicken Shakers

Toothbrush color: Flourescent green (Um....how did people get into their bathroom?)

License: Um, sorry to brake it to ya...but he is only 12 years old!

Car: Hello? Once again....he is only 12 years old!

Order in Hanson Family: Third Oldest Child

If you are wondering why I don't have info. on any of the other members in the Hanson family, is cause they need their privacy! If you are in despreate need of Info, you can e-mail me!

E-mail Me
