calmer days

It is days like these

I want to let my hands drip into your mouth,

floating down life's dream,

with sunsets and bagels to stuff us full

of what life really means.

You'll forget these present handcuffs

when we're slipping on the wet stones

in front of God's Japanese garden.

And I will not be so manic,

I swear,

not so crammed shut and hollering

about every nitpicky thing,

about how much I hate people

and all their ratty ideas.

We will lie down

on the acid-green grass

and let out farts

that feel better than any sonata.

I know you know what I mean.

There will be plenty of that dish-feeling

you get when we're shopping.

We don't even need heaven right yet.

People already look at us in wonder.

How can that be?

they say.

They are so crazy.

They are so right.

So traditional

or wacky

or "in love"

or staid

or piping mad

or whatever other labels

people use in place of ignorance.

And like ten thousand cliches

they can never, never know

what we both know on these calmer days

that's all folks...