age 16 months..the first halloween he went trick or treating

Just being cute

First trip to Disneyworld

Donnies first snow,first snowman,his first visit to the beautiful smokey mountains


Halloween 1998
Halloween 1998

Christmas 1998
Christmas 1998

mmmmmmmm, that ain't so bad
the kiss

'I think she likes me'
Brianna his future wife

man of the world
Graduation from daycare to kindergarten

click here for home page

For the love a child :

This is "Donnie",our best friend.

We have known "Donnie" since the age of 6 months,

Donnie is 7 years old now.

He goes on our vacations with us..

We've taken him to many of his "firsts".

we watch him for the mom while she works,

We "borrow" him from his Mom so often

he is like our own family.

even though he is not.

We are very lucky that Donnies

mom allows us the freedom we have

with him, and appreciate her trust.

"Donnie" has staked claim to

one of the 3 extra bedrooms

because he is here so often.

We have seen him grow from the "baby" he was..

to the little man he is now.

The only sad part is that..

when he goes back to his mommy

our house is soooo very empty..

We would love to have a child..

but "circumstances" are such that

natural childbirth may be out of the question.

We do not intend to offend anyone or break any laws of any jurisdiction in this plea:

If there is anyone in the position of being pregnant and unable to keep the child... or know of anyone with a child that could use a loving home. Please contact us by sending an E-mail.

We are now licensed foster parents in the state of Florida.
We are not intending to break any laws and of course will use all the proper legal channels for whichever state or country you live in.

This page is not a joke... And only serious inquiries
will receive any acknowledgement.
We are 2 people who wish the love of a child or children in our home.
Due to some "not so nice folks" on the internet we are forced to be discerning as to information open to general public on this page.
more definative information about us will be disclosed to those who are sincere, as we are also sincere. Please contact us by sending an
Or call TOLL FREE :
1-888-495-6855 (pin# 1674)

call TOLL FREE :
1-888-495-6855 (pin# 1674)

Please pass this URL to your "special List" of friends in the hopes
that they may know where there may be a child
or children that could use a good home...
with plenty of love to share.
We often read in the papers and see on television so many young mothers who think there is no options when pregnant,and leave newborn babies in the most awful places.
WE make this plea to all young mothers-to-be or any mothers/fathers who may not be able to raise their child(ren) for whatever reason.

Think of families like us who would love to have children and cannot.

It is NOT a crime to get pregnant and your family may not be happy you are pregnant but...

There is the option of allowing any one of a thousand loving childless couples out here who would love to raise your child.

So before you get into real trouble and do something foolish call us, call someone.
It is not our intention to insult anyone with this site, but due to the delicate nature of this subject, it is hard to say this and please everyone. I apologize now if you take insult to this site.

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last revised on April 29, 2002
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