Starry & Jochi's Son

Hi! Welcome to my web page. *S* I'm the newest addition to Starry & Jochi's family, born in the Year of the Dragon (that's the year 2000). My daddy was also born in the Year of the Dragon, maybe that's why mommy likes daddy so much. *baby gurggle/coo*

Everyone says I'm the spittin image of my daddy, but I have more hair that he does right now. *gurggle ggl* As far as my life goes, it's pretty easy. I sleep most of the night cept for those snack times, then mommy wakes up to feed me. Aint nuthin like warm milk and mommy's singin ta get a baby back to sleep @ 2 in tha mornin. *G* Durin tha day it's playtime & naptime at daycare, cept on weekends, then I drive mommy and daddy nuts cause I don't wanna sleep when I'm with them. Mommy says she wishes that I was like the baby monkeys at her work. Just cling to her back so she could be with me all the time cause I'm such a happy baby. *ss* But to tell the truth, I'm a "Daddy's Boy". Mommy is fun, but when daddy comes home it's Xtreme Playtime!! *squealing coos*

Anyways, here's some pics of me that my mommy just loves and that my daddy took. I'm sure that when she can my mommy will change these pics about every 2 months cause she just can't sit still when there's a camera layin around with film in it. *ggls*

There really isn't much to say about me cause I haven't really had time to explore. Give me a few months ta get movin then I'll tell you about my adventures. *G* Thanks for visitin my page. There are some interestin links down below for those of you who have babies or are interested in havin a baby. Thanks again for visitin an mommy will update my pics when I give her a chance. All though that's not likely anytime soon. *EG*

Christmas 2000

Man I LOVE my life!!!

Guess what I'm lookin at?!?!?

Who can resist my charms? *EG*

Who's da baby?!?

Does daddy have that thing out AGAIN!?!?!

OH NO!?!?!?

It's time to go.

Back to Starry's page or back to Jochi's page.


Here's some web sites ta help out with some things that even my mommy forgot.*gurggles* Gerber