Atomic Physics

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Atomic physics : theoretical
Physics 2000: The Atomic Lab - an excellent interactive tutorial.
Hands-on Atom - playing with atomic energy levels.
  Advanced topics

Experimental methods
Selecting Excited States - Physical Review Focus: studying metastable states with unprecedented level of detail.
Spinning the Molecule - Physical Review Focus: Optical Centrifuge for Molecules.
Electrons Quit Ignoring Nucleus - Physical Review Focus: nuclear level - electronic level interaction.
Measuring a Fragile Molecule - Physical Review Focus: experimental techniques in investigating the helium dimer.
Scanning Probe Gets Beneath the Surface - Physical Review Focus: nanotomography.
  Advanced topics

Atom manipulations
Cooling and trapping atoms - from Tokyo Univ.
Laser Trapping of neutral particles - a feature article from Scientific American.
When atoms become waves - an excellent online tutorial, talks about statistcis, BEC and ways to cool atoms down.
Bose-Einstein Condensation - an excellent friendly tutorial with lots of Java demostrations from Physics 2000.
Introduction to light forces, atom cooling and atom trapping (atom-ph/9510004), 12pp.
Atoms trapped by the Light - Physical Review Focus: all-light traps.
  Advanced topics
Atom manipulation project contains several brief online papers.


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