Quantum Field Theory

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General QFT resources
Relativistic Quantum Fields and Relativistic Quantum Fields 1 - HTML course, from Univ of Sussex.
What is Quantum Field Theory, and What Did We Think It Is? (hep-th/9702027), 17pp. by Steven Weinberg - almost without formulas.
  Advanced topics
Quantum Field Theoty Part III, ps.gz file - 100-pages lecture course from Univ of Cambridge.
A Course of Field Theory from Univ of Leiden, 140 pp, with problems, 1.5Mb ps file (lectures), 0.5 Mb ps file (problems) .
Quantum Field Theory program at IAS - a large number of lectures covering advanced and subtle issues of QFT; mainly in ps files.
Lecture Notes in QFT - a collection of ps.gz lectures notes on various aspects of QFT, QED etc.

Quantum Electrodynamics
Quantum Field Theoty Part III, ps.gz file - 100-pages lecture course from Univ of Cambridge, includes Feynman diagrams and QED.
  Advanced topics
CORE - COmpendium of RElations (hep-ph/9507456) - 110 pages of formulas useful in theoreticla particle physics including Pauli, Gell-Mann, Dirac matrices calculus, full SM lagrangian and Feyman rules, kinematics, matrix elements, cross sections and decay rates etc..

Specific Mathematical methods in QFT
Light Front Dynamics - QFT at the light-front.
Renormalization Made Easy - by John Baez.
  Advanced topics
Evolution of the Bogoluibov Renormalization Group - (hep-th/9909024), by D. Shirkov., 44 p. renormalization group approach in QFT and other fields of physics.
Conformal field theory: a case study - (hep-th/9904145), introduction to Wess-Zumino-Witten model of 2D conformal field theory .