Non-relativistic Quantum Mechanics

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General QM resources
Intro into Quantum Mechanics - an explanation by Todd.
Quantum Mechanics I - a comprehensive undergrad lecture course by N. Walet - from black body radiation up to 3D Scroedinger equation.
Problems in QM - 38 undergrad-level problems with solutions step-by-step.
  Advanced topics
Quantum Mechanics I from MIT - an extensive collection of lectures notes on different aspects of QM.
Black body radiation - from MIT.

Schroedinger equation and Mathematical methods in QM
Time-development of quantum systems by Geza I. Mark - includes theoretical overview and demonstrations.
General features of Time-dependent and Time-independent Schoedinger equation.
Metastable States - 7 MPEG movies animating decays of and scattering on metastable states; from MIT.
Numerical solutions of Schrodinger equation - mpeg movies on several QM effects.
Angular Momentum in QM - a lecture course from Univ Birmingham.
  Advanced topics
Lectures on Perturbation Theory - 31pp, gifs of handwritten lectures from QM III course at MIT.
Quantum states in the light field - quantum noise, sqeezed states etc.

Scattering theory
Scattering theory in 1D case - from MIT QM I course.
Lectures on Scattering theory - 36pp, gifs of handwritten lectures from QM III course at MIT.
Quantum Motion -a Java applet on 1D scattering.
  Advanced topics

Lectures on Atomic structure - 36pp, gifs of handwritten lectures from MIT QM III course.
  Advanced topics

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