Statistical physics and Kinetics

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Statistical physics: general
What is the negative temperature? - from Physics FAQ.
Statistical physics - lectures in PDF files from Oxford Univ.
History and outlook of statistical physics (physics/9803005), 12 pp. - short review on history f statistical physics.
  Advanced topics
Monte Carlo simulation for Statistical physics - large tutorial online.

Statistical physics of various systems
Ising model and its application - online tutorial.
2D Ising model - Java-applets.
Introduction to Ising model - short tutorial.
  Advanced topics
Statistical Physics of Traffic Flow (cond-mat/0007418), 23 pp. and Statistical Physics of Vehicular Traffic and Some Related Systems (cond-mat/0007053), 170 pp.- statistical approach to transport flows.
Two-dimensional XY model.
Spin models - short introduction to different models of spin lattices.

Physical Kinetics
Kinetic theory - short introduction.
Boltzmann equation - piece of a PhD thesis.
  Advanced topics


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