Here is where you can send me any- thing at all you wish to share about Juliana, or anything you might think of my page. Call it a poor man's guest book. Like I said on the main page, I'll print the best ones every so often (pretty much anytime I get enough to make it fair, or once every two weeks, or whenever--keep coming back to see if you make it). Now, this isn't a con- test, so I can't give you any prizes or anything--I'm just a poor college kid for Christ's sake. Anyway, here is my e-mail address, so drop a line. I don't care if you think my page is shitty and you want to let me know; I'd like to think that I can handle any kinda criti- cism. All e-mails will be replied to. If you do not want your story or comment or what have you to be prin- ted, please state so in the e-mail. Later.
Chris Brown