All Things Are Mine!

Colossians 2:9-10. (KJV) For in him dwelleth all the fulness of the Godhead bodily. And ye are complete in him, which is the head of all principality and power.

(Translator’s NT) For in him, that is in his body, God in all his completeness dwells. And in union with him, who is the head over every spiritual ruler and authority, you too come to perfection.

(20th Century) For the Godhead in all its fulness dwells in Christ in a boldily form; and, by your union with him, you also are filled with it....

(Williams) For it is in Him that all the fulness of Diety continues to live embodied, and through union with Him you too are filled with it. He is the Head of all principalities and dominions.

(Goodspeed) For it is in him that the fulness of God’s nature lives embodied, and in union with him you too are filled with it....

(Lovett) The plain truth is, the fulness of the God-head is embodied in the person of Christ! When you received the Person of Christ you were joined to that same fulness! Therefore your own spiritual makeup is now full. You are complete in Christ, the Fountain from which all authority and power proceeds..

(Good News) For the full content of the divine nature lives in Christ....And you have been given full life in union with Him. He is supreme over every spiritual ruler and authority.

(Living Bible) For in Christ there is all of God in a human body. So you have everything when you have Christ, and you are filled with God through your union with Christ. He is the highest Ruler, with authority over every other power.

(Cressman) Christ has everything that God has. And you too, have everything when you are in him....

(New English) For it is in Christ that the complete being of the Godhead dwells embodied....Every power and authority in the universe is subject to him as Head.

(Basic) For in him all the wealth of God’s being has a living form....

(Street Letters) When we’ve got the living connection with Jesus, we’re filled with God Himself and we have everything we need to have. All this because of who Jesus is and what He did for us.

(Norlie) And you have come to fulness of life through union with Him who is the fountainhead of all authority and power.

(Amplified) --in Christ you too are filled with the Godhead: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, and reach full stature....

(Greber) ...he is lord over all the spirit-forces and all spiritual powers.

(Klingensmith) And, you are supplied with a surplus with him....


God in all His completeness dwells in Christ..

The fulness of His nature and power lives embodied in Him.

Christ has everything God has.

In Christ there is all of God in a human body.

The complete being of the Godhead resides in Him.

All the wealth of God’s being in Him as a living form.

I am in union with Christ.

The fulness of God’s nature and being that dwell in Him are now in me.

In union with Christ I am joined to that same fulness by a living connection of my spirit with Him; I have everything I need to have.

All this is because of who Jesus is and what He did for me.

I am filled with the fulness of God’s nature, eternal life.

I am filled with the fulness of God’s love, for God is love.

I am filled with joy, filled with peace, filled with wisdom, filled with strength, filled with light, filled with glory.

I am filled with God.

Christ is the Head over all spiritual authority, supreme over every other spiritual power or force in the universe.

He is the Fountainhead from which all power and authority proceeds.

Because I am in union with Him, I share His authority.

There is absolutely no spiritual ruler, force, or authority in this universe that can bind me, intimidate me, dominate me, or oppress me because of my union with Christ.

Since every power and authority is subject to Him, they are also subject to me, because I am seated with Him; I am in union with Him; I am one with Him.

I am supplied with a surplus in Him.