All Things Are Mine!

Ephesians 1:22, 23. (KJV) And hath put all things under his feet, and gave him to be the head over all things to the church, which is his body, the fulness of him that filleth all in all.

(Kliest and Lilly) He has subjected every single thing to his authority and has appointed him sovereign head of the Church, which is truly his body, the complement of him who fills all the members with his graces.

(Wand) ’He hath put the universe under His feet.’ In so exalting Christ He has made Him Head of a Body, the Church. That body provides a universal means of expression for one who is Himself a universal Personality.

(Carpenter) But perhaps someone will say, ‘What is this to us? We do not doubt that your picture is true enough, and that the Lord Jesus is above all. But heaven is far away.’ My brothers, heaven is here. This same Jesus, who is exalted at the right hand of God the Father, is the Head of the Church....The body is the instrument which every person has to accomplish the purpose of his will. In the Church the purpose and the will are those of Christ. We are the instrument....

(Stevens) ...and has subordinated to him all existing powers and made him Sovereign over his church, his mystical body, which is filled and penetrated by his life.

(Phillips) God has placed everything under the power of Christ and has set him up as head of everything for the Church. For the Church is his body, and in that body lives fully the one who fills the whole wide universe.

(Knox) He has put everything under his dominion, and made him the head to which the whole Church is joined....

(Good News) God put all things under Christ’s feet and gave him to the church as supreme lord over all things.

(Moffatt, Berkeley) ...head over everything for the Church....

(Cornish) ...head of all things for the Church....

(Plain English, Revised Standard) ...for the Church...

(Cressman) ...the church is his body. The church has everything Christ has. And he has everything everywhere.

(New English) ...which is his body and as such holds within it the fulness of him who himself receives the entire fulness of God. (or, as supreme head to the church which is his body, and to be all that he himself is who fills the universe in all its parts.)

(Carver) ...his body, without which the Christ is incomplete as God’s cosmic authority. As the Body of the Christ functioning in human history, the church is the full expression and historic content of the Christ....The Christ is the full expression of God, and the Church the full expression and fulfillment of the Christ.

(Hayman) ...that Church which indeed is His body, the full recipient of His all-pervading fulness.

(Amplified) ...for in that body lives the full measure of Him Who makes everything complete, Who fills everything everywhere [with Himself].

(20th Century) ...For the Church is Christ’s Body, and is filled by him who fills all things everywhere with his presence


God the Father has subjected every single thing to Christ’s authority, subordinating to Him all existing power, for my benefit..

God made Him Head over all things for me.

When Christ triumphed over all principalities and power, I triumphed..

When Christ was seated at the Father’s right hand above all power and might, I was seated.

I am now in union with Christ.

His dominion is my dominion.

Because I am a member of His body, He fills me with His graces. .

I am the instrument he uses to accomplish His will.

I am filled and penetrated by His Life.

I am joined to Him and filled with Him.

I have everything Christ has.

I have within me the fulness of Him who Himself receives the entire fulness of God..

I am the full recipient of His fulness.