Ephesians 1:7 (KJV) In whom we have redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of sins, according to the riches of His grace.
(Barclay) It is in and through Christ and the sacrifice of his life that we have been liberated, a liberation which means the forgiveness of sins. It all happened because of the wealth of his grace.
(Wade)It is by union with Him, Jesus Christ, that we have, through His shedding of His blood, our Redemption, the remission of our transgressions, in keeping with His inexhaustible Favour shown to us.
(Goodspeed) It is through union with him and through his blood that we have been delivered and our offenses forgiven....
(Weymouth)It is in Him, and through the shedding of His blood, that we have our deliverance...
(Hudson)In the Beloved deliverance through his blood is ours....
(Jordan)For it was by this One's supreme sacrifice that we got our "emancipation," the forgiveness for the mess we made of things.
(Doddridge)And in whom we have redemption from the power of sin, the tyranny of Satan, and the final wrath and displeasure.....
(Kliest and Lilly) In him we have our redemption through his blood, the remission of our transgressions.
(Carpenter)...We were in Egypt, and the Christ of God brought us out of the house of bondage. We were in Babylon, and the Christ of God released for us His precious life. We were in chains to sin. He struck the chains asunder, and we are free.
(Beck)...who bought us with His blood to forgive our sins and set us free.
I am in union with Christ!
The deliverance that is in Him is in me!
Deliverance was wrought in Him when He was made
in spirit and raised from the dead!
I was made alive and raised with Him!
Now my spirit is in union with Him!
The deliverance that is in Him is now in me!
I am free!
I have been liberated!
I am free from sin, sickness, poverty and Satan!
I am delivered from the authority of darkness and
translated over into the Kingdom of the Son!
In Him deliverance through His blood is mine!
I am delivered in spirit, mind, and body
from the works of the enemy!
I am enjoying my Redemption!