I have deliverance!

Galatians 1:4. (KJV) Who gave himself for our sins, that he might deliver us from this present
evil world, according to the will of God and our Father.

(Jordan) ...who willingly got into our sinful mess with us so as to pull us out of the present day wickedness.

(Knox) ...to rescue us from the evil world that surrounds us.

(Lovett) ...so that He might rescue us from the kingdom of evil.

(Street Letters) ...rescue us from the rotting world system.

(Hudson) ...from the age of the Evil One who besets us.

(MacEvilley) ...to rescue us from the corruption of this world.


I am delivered!

Christ gave Himself for me to rescue, to deliver me from this present evil world.

I died with Him to this world!

I am dead to the evil world that surrounds me!

I am thereby delivered from the evil that is in this world and the influence of the Evil One that dominates it!

I am delivered from Satan and his works that are in this evil world.

It has no more effect on me than it has on a dead man, for I did die with Christ!