IN CHRIST Scripture:

I Corinthians 1:30

(King James) But of Him are ye IN CHRIST Jesus Who of God is made unto us Wisdom, and Righteousness, and Sanctification, and Redemption.

(Way) And so, not from man, but from God do you draw your life in Messiah Jesus, IN JESUS Who became for us, God-given Wisdom, our Righteousness, our Consecration, our Ransom.

(Bart and Peters) By His creation are ye IN CHRIST Jesus.

IN CHRIST Confession:

Father God, I am so thankful that You have made Jesus to be my wisdom. In myself I could not attain the wisdom that is mine in Him. Thank you, Father, that You have made Him to be my righteousness. Because of that fact I can stand before you without a sense of inferiority or guilt. You see me through the righteousness of Christ. Thank you for making Jesus my sanctification. In Him I am set apart for your use, dedicated to your service. I am so thankful for the marvelous redemption you have given me in Christ. It humbles my heart to realize the matchless price you have paid for me.