I Have Wisdom!

Colossians 2:3. (KJV) In whom are hid all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge.

(Way) ...in Him is all the hid treasure of divine wisdom and spiritual illumination.

(20th Century) For all God’s treasures of wisdom and knowledge are to be found
stored up in Christ.

(Living Bible) In him lie hidden all the mighty, untapped treasures of wisdom and knowledge.

(Stevens) ...who contains in himself all fulness of heavenly wisdom.

(Jordan) For in him, still unexplored.....


I am in union with Christ.

My spirit is in union with Him.

I am one with Him in spirit.

My spirit, then, has access to the treasures of wisdom and knowledge that are
stored up in Him.

I am able to draw that wisdom out of my spirit.

My spirit is in union with Him who contains in Himself the fulness of
heavenly wisdom.

I am able to see people and circumstances through the wisdom of
God, the way God sees them, from heaven’s point of view..

So I always know what to do.

The wisdom of God speaks to me consciously and unconsciously,
generally and specifically.

I am motivated, I am controlled by the wisdom of God that is in
my spirit.

I have God’s wisdom in me through union with Christ.