Artist's Statement 

 Inga Ropsa   
Glass Designer  Watercolorist  
" She has almost everything.She closed her eyes, oh, yes, she had a fleeting glimpse of   everything. She is turning her inside out. She creates. This is reality.” 
Inga Ropsa  is a native of Riga, and currently divides her timebetween her home studio and day job in Latvian Shipping Company. In addition,she has taught numerous workshops for teenagers and preliminary schoolattendees. Inga Ropsa studied at Riga Applied Arts College and the Academyof Arts of Latvia.
It must be state here, that she holds a BA in Applied Arts and a master’sdegree in Arts Research and Sciences. Also, there was a period of studiesat Wroclaw Higher School of Applied Arts in Wroclaw, Poland, being in closetouch with local academic workshops. At the same time, there were a coupleof artworks done for students’ summer symposium in Poland. These workshopshad been something special for Inga Ropsa, because she had got an opportunityto learn new techniques for glass surface and see more variations for usingglass layers. Consequently, she focussed her attention on the incredibleamount of glass design opportunities. Familiarities given to her in suchway helped her to make her own setup for further growth. 

After returning back to Latvia, her artworks reflected wide range ofWestern and Central European influences. Further more, after establishingher own style in free-hand glass design, Inga Ropsa went to Paris to carryout her personal research and study French glass design of the leadingartists from Galle and Lalique to the recent movements of modern art. Hernorthern soul was greatly impressed by Galle acid – scratched fabulousglasswares, simultaneously diving into an ocean of vibrant forms. 

She also spent a very creative year in advertising as an ads and streetboards designer for Riga Musical Theater. It improved her ability to workin team and comprehend a bases of successful management in the field ofEntertainment and Show industry. Her taste and talent to catch the stringof event were widely appreciated and she got several important commissionsas a streetboard designer from Lithuania. 

In addition, it should be mentioned here as a favourable fact, thatshe also studied at Riga Commerce School, took a Master’s course at RigaHigher School of Pedagogy and Education Management, which promoted her growth up as a certified teacher and adviser. 

 This is to announce her acknowledgements:  
  • 1989 – 1995 participating in exhibitions in a variety of media – artpiecesin oil and watercolor, in stained glass and glass design, in commercialdesign and in graphics 
  • 1990 Student’s workshop and symposium in Wroclaw, Poland 
  • 1991 Student’s workshop and symposium in Lvov, Ukraine 
  • Participation in a group exhibition in one of the central galleries, as“Bastejs” in Riga, Latvia with free blown glasswares 
Objectives: collecting a wide range of artistic experiences, exploringdifferent ways of the world perception. 


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