Islamic Links has currently 1397 links
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This humble website was born as I was sitting bored in the computer labs. Back then I was still a student in Temasek Polytechnic. The website is now 3.5 years old.

The website has gone through several changes. But it has always been my priority to keep it light and simple minimising on heavy graphics. Hope you like the new look.

The search engine has been scrapped from the site. Feedback was that it has been given inaccurate results. The reason for this is that the websites here are just links, and when you run a search, it searches the title of the website instead of the actual contents of the website. Insya-Allah, once I figure a way out of this technicality, I will include a search engine for this website.

The links on your right will now open a new window. Hope that will be a better convenience for you in cutting down on internet fetch time.

Will get back once there are some major updates, meanwhile please contribute to this pool of links by emailing me at




Islamic Links

This website was featured in Berita Minggu (Singapore) on the 25.10.1999

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