World Views

  • These views and theories all come from a group of sane people. The people are a little different but they all have a far superior IQ to yours.
    1. A theory to how the world came to be. God is also a theory. The world is in a computer. A virtual world with advanced A.I.. A.I. being every thing that can decide its own path. Who created this program? Well we did but we simulated the past, living are present, creating the future, and learning from the past we create by our selves. The program may evolve farther than the ones who built it or evolve on a different path, inventing new things or a better way of making them. Once this happens they will check the virtual data bank and take the idea. Why do I believe this? Well the Universe never ends just like the virtual space inside a computer. The space can be infinity like the universe. How did the Universe beyond are Virtual Earth get created? We don't know but they might. Besides if we aren't in a computer then when we get the technology create Virtual Earth.
    2. Should the human race believe in God? This so called God has done nothing to help the human race so why should anyone still believe in this nonsense. If you believe that this spirit just appeared like the Universe your wrong. No one has any right to believe in God until you first believe in the Universe. The only God you will ever find is the evolution of life. God does exist but that is what we logical people call everything that has energy and that is everything that exist. Technically speaking, God is then responsible for everything because anything can make something. If you have the slightest knowledge about anything you would think I'm contradicting myself by still believing spirits are present. A spirit is just the burst of energy that occurs when something is near its extinction. People believe spirits are souls jumping out of someone returning to the heavens but that has all been distorted throughout the years. Burst of energy jumping out of someone and then being carried to some heaven. Well that is nonsense because all the energy in a being would be dispursed before it ever reached its destination. This soul is only the name that was given to describe the energy of life. Everything is made out of the same energy but some is stronger, some is advanced, and some is just there. If this energy is dispursed, the object will die. So everytime a piece of paper is burned, the energy is dispursed, and it soars to heaven. Yah, I'm sure it does!