My Father's Daughter

He gives me everything
the security you could not,
strong and supple beside me
smooth as darkness.

Sober-eyed and optimistic
sees me as I am, alone
everything I wanted, now, yet
I search for something more. 

Grappling for more
in the red tinged nightmares that haunt me
crimson burning, 
am I alive?

What is a stranger's kiss
to security and love's sweet bliss?
what is it about the pursuit
I love so well?

The forbidden altar
upon which I feast, partaking
of another's nectar, why
is the honey sweeter?

Daddy, everyday I become more like you
the quiet passive agression, rotting
stewing beneath your purple haze
I am your daughter, I am.

(c) 2001 by (++)Laura(++). All Rights Reserved

My Subliminal Guide To Insanity