~*10,000 Promises*~

March 26th 1999! Issue #1

Welcome to the first issue of 10,000 Promises!!~~ Me and my best friend, editor, and co-writer, are soooooo very much happy to be back into action with the newsletter. As you can tell, her and I love BSB very much, and I love Nick and she loves Mr. Sweet D!! I am pleased to tell you, if you don't already know, but the BSB are going to be doing a concert April 4th at 7:00 on Showtime, and we are very much excited!! Onto other news!!

What We find very rudely about the rumors going around about the boys!

We find it very rudely about the guys girlfriends! Hey if they are happy, then we are happy for them!

We find it very rudely that peeps call the girlfriends, sluts, ho's, old, fat, etc,etc,. I go into these bsb fans chat rooms, and it discusts me and Jenny to go in there. All they are talking about is the girlfriends, and the room is supposed to be about their music!!! Ugh!!

We find it very rudely that peeps that like Nsuck, say that BSB are gay!! They are not gay, none of them are so get over it!! I mean how would Nsuck fans find it if us BSB fans went into their room and started calling them fags, gay, or even tinky winkey!!?

~*More News*~

As you know, the boys new album is due out May 18th 1999!! Whooohooo!! It's about time, not that I'm tired of hearing the same stuff, but it's time to hear something new!!!

~*Backstreet Boys TV Apperances*~

I only have a couple. So if you have more please email me them right away! They are as follows:

1)March 31st~*~ Mtv 10:00 p.m. ~*~ I think it's fanatic!

2)April 4th~*~ Showtime or Showtime 2 7:00 p.m. ~*~ And from the looks of it, it's going to be H.O.T.T!!

3)May 1st~*~ Nickelodeon Kids Choice Awards 8:00 p.m. ~*~ I think they are nominated for two awards! So vote for them and watch to see, oh and CHEER THEM ON!!~~

~*BSB of the month!*~

I pick Nick, because of his adorable smile, and his ocean blue eyes! Oh they make me melt in my shoes!!! :}~ And here is the pic to prove it!!

Oh, and if you would like to have your fav BSB up on the Newsletter, just email me, and the most emails that I request for that certain BSB, will be up next issue!!!!

Ok, Ok, Enough is Enough, and for your viewing pleasure!!!

TADA!!!! N I C K!!!!

Well that's all for Issue #1!!! See ya Next time, or Issue!!! Oh and KTBSPA!!!!

See Ya

Lanie- President

Jenny- Vice Pres