Captain James T. Kirk USS Enterprise NCC-1701 C/O Starfleet Operations Earth Central STARFLEET DIPLOMATIC COURIER, CODED SECURE George Samuel Kirk Jr. Bioagricultural Industries, Kirk Inc Deneva Central 17 Junque St. Deneva, UFP full encryption: fruit Dear Sam 14 Dear Sam, I had another nightmare last night. They are starting again and I don't know what to do. In this one, I was naked and standing on a platform, hundreds of people were staring at me. I couldn't hear their voices. My hands and feet were in chains and there was another one around my neck. I turned to the side and I could see a tall, reddish brown woman, with a thick black braid that hung down her back. I knew it was my wife staring at me from her chains. Her belly was swollen from pregnancy. She was so beautiful and regal, even naked and standing on a wooden platform, that my heart started racing and I wanted to reach out and touch her...but I couldn't. This time, my skin was a dark rich brown. I must have been in my twenties, I think. Judging from the clothes that I saw, the period looked to be about the early 1700's in either England or America. It was warm, but I couldn't tell where I was. They were selling us, Sam and hate and loathing filled me that anyone could do this to another. I stood and stared back at them and they kept hitting me across my back and telling me to look down and to not stare at my betters. I wanted to kill them all, but I knew I could not, and should not. They sold my wife first. Words started to come through. They were afraid I would not be breakable, so there was a reluctance to buy me, but they sold my wife and my unborn child. I began to scream and curse at them in my languages; I spoke many. They beat me. The harder they beat me, the more I cursed them. I felt each stripe of the lash, and I vowed to slay them all. I woke up screaming in rage with my back on fire. Spock heard me from his cabin and ran in to check on me. I woke up to him holding my shoulders and trying to shake me awake. He was honestly frightened for me; Vulcans do not typically have nightmares. They control their dreams as harshly as they control their waking state. He said Vulcans have long known dreams were the source of emotional leaks and turmoil, so they are trained at an early age to arrest them. They have no REM state, no dreams; how sad. I would not give up my dreams; some of them are so wonderful. It is worth the downside, because in my dreams, I can fly. I could feel his fear through his fingers. For a second, I could hear him in my mind. That must have been him reaching for my thoughts, because I know I can not do it. It is burned from my mind forever. I couldn't say anything to tell him why I was screaming. When I talked to him at first, it was in the tongue of the Iroquois and then the language of the Senegalese. How do I know this, Sam? I had been born free, I knew that, also. It means he must of survived, because the child in his wife's womb would have had no memory of this, only the child to follow. He must have survived. I need to believe that he won his freedom again or else the grief threatens to overwhelm me. You know how I feel about slavery. If you don't remember ask Kleinschmidt, if you can find his ass in hell where I sent him. Sometimes, I can't breathe, Sam. The ancestral memories crowd out my air. Help me, tell me what to do. Am I finally going mad? I know my experience on the world with the dead city started this again. I thought Tarsus had taken all my memories from me. I heard their voices for the briefest of flashes before I fainted. Spock thinks that the wind coming out of the cavern made me fall and hit my head. I was unconscious well before my head hit the rock. They overwhelmed me with their sorrow and I could not stand against them. Four nights ago, my face was painted blue. I was waiting in the trees in a primordial forest that stretched for miles and miles. The shade was so deep that I was in an eternal night, but I stayed still and waited; sometimes I had to will myself to take a breath. I knew my fellow warriors were in the surrounding trees and buried under hillocks that would erupt with armed warriors on my signal. This time my hair was braided into hundreds of long blonde braids that were wound up into a topknot on the top of my head. I heard the jangle of bells against cloth. A bird shot from cover and headed for the open sky. Still I waited. In my hands was an axe with a dull metallic head. It had sigils on it to ward off evil spirits and I rubbed them silently as I tensed. Finally, out of the gloom, a Roman Standard, double Eagles, the Emperor's own, came slowly over the hill, higher than the heads of the troops that walked beneath it. A bird sound floated through the trees and I shifted my weight to get ready. I waited until the entire troop had passed beneath my position and then I leapt on the back of the last man and killed him with one blow to the head. The trees and ground sprouted death and I awoke to the sounds of the screams of the dying. Three nights ago, I was in entering Egypt in a chariot drawn by four coal black horses. I was full of pride and glory; I was Ashanti and going to claim the crown of Egypt with my leaders. I think I was a General or the equivalent, but I felt like I was a God. We had finally defeated the corrupt and incestuous Egyptians, or so I had named them in my mind. They had long sought to attain Godhead by forcing the marriage of siblings and I knew that to be an abomination. They then had sought to conquer us, and that had been an unforgivable transgression. We went to reclaim our children and lead them back from the abyss. We were ruthless conquerors and there was no kindness in me, Sam. I had killed a phalanx of Egyptian soldiers down to the last man-child that very day. The blood of the last man I had slain was still on my robes. The noise of the crowd was deafening. They wailed and cried out to Horis and all of their Gods to protect them from the invaders. Our troops stretched behind me for as far as I could see and the dust of our marching made a cloud that blotted out the horizon. I could still hear the trumpet notes when I awoke. Two nights ago I froze. I was on the steppes of Mongolia. I was riding a Steppe pony in a war-troop. It was freezing; the wind howled and snow whirled around us until we could only see twenty lengths in front of us. Our entire encampment was on the move against the unification march of the Huns. We did not wish to be used in Attila's war. He had heard of our gifts and wished us to become his shamans. Our chief had been called to meet him and when he had refused to allow us to join their war of annihilation and domination, he had been slain and his body had been raised on a gibbet for all to see. I had raided the encampment and stolen his body back. I remember my pride at doing so and my sorrow at the death of my leader. He had been like a second father to me. We were headed for the mountains in the distance, to disappear until it would be safe once again to return to our ancestral lands, if ever that day would come to pass. I looked across into the face of my brother, not of blood, but by choice. We nodded to each other in our silent speech, and raced off ahead of the clan to scout out the trail and kill any that we might see, so that no-one would know of our passing. Others trailed behind the clan to do the same. I woke up freezing and covered with goose-bumps from that one. I feel the weight of the millennia around my neck and sometimes it threatens to pull me down into the abyss. I know what I am supposed to do, Sam. I can only pray that I have the strength and the endurance to accomplish my goals before I am taken. What will I do when you are gone? Who will keep me sane and away from the madness that lies on the other side of my calm? I can see now why the Eugenics war had to be won. They were even madder than we are, because they were foolish enough to think they should rule. At least we only seek to serve and finally to disappear as all humans become us, which I know must happen if we are to survive as a people. The weight of the past brings humanity to only two possible places, obliteration, or total freedom. I choose freedom for us all, but I think it will cause me great sorrow to stay to the road I must tread to help us get there. I am afraid, but I can never tell anyone but you the truth, because I am the Captain and Starship Captains are never afraid. Even worse, I am one of the Fruit of Humanity and we have eaten of the tree of knowledge. Oh, Sweet Lord, forgive us all. I am so tired, but never too tired to tell you that I love you, Brother. Goodnight. Perhaps tonight I will sleep without dreams. I hope so. Jim March 26, 1999 Page 4