
Aaron-Thomas, born Nov. 8th....(3 weeks early) that makes him a Scorpio...but I think he should've been a Sag. He is now 14 months old and taken on the nickname 'Crash' -- if you ever saw him walk you'd see why..lol. He is still young and doesn't have much in the way of hobbies...tho he can't seem to resist chewing on ppl's shoes. He watches very lil TV but when he does...you can bet it's 'Blue's Clues'!! Aaron loves music he plays air guitar, and jams around the house to just about anything (tho he does seem to have his mother's taste in tunes). He doesn't eat red meat, and scrambled eggs are his fave. He has made a game out of terrorizing our pet bird 'Abbott' (poor lil birdy). We are very pleased to announce -- Aaron is off the bottle!!! (those AA meetings really helped)