Jonny Angel aka Xtraterror

Mr Smartass, Mr Comedy...thats my little brother Jon. Born Dec. 10th...oh yes ladies, a Sag!! A few of my Brat Trivster friends have had the privledge of his presence. He is quite the I love my baby brother, as there is much to love about him. He is witty, smart, funny, and has a way about him that I admire more than anything....the ability not to seem to care what other ppl think. I call him Jonny Angel..have since the day he was born, I can call him this to this day, in front of ANYONE and it never bothers coolness. He still holds my hand in public....we walk arm in arm, he is quite affectionate and I'm glad we have such a close relationship. Amazing considering he is in those teen I was going to make reference to his Girl, but I dont wanna have to keep updating this I'll not do

More About Jonny Angel.......

Jonny has his own Page...and it is quite intelligently written. He has a way about I dig this page!(Can you tell I'm Proud??) I know only three AMAZINGLY funny men (Jonny, my other bro Roger, and Michael, who tells the most side-splitting jokes and stories!) Thx for the laughter...each of you makes my life more special.
To Check Out Jonny's Page
To Check Out Michael's Place

Say What?? You Talking to me?? lol. Jonny and nephew, Andrew, at the Stockton Ports Game Jon and his niece Amanda at Marine World Yes Ladies...He's pretty much ALWAYS this Cool Jonny Angel...and our Mom in the background (Hi Mom!)

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I searched for this midi file "Johnny Angel" for a very long time...I found a few...but the quality wasn't very good. So I decided to put the word out via ICQ, and within 12 hours I had my file....Thank you to all who searched. And a special thx to Jessica, SpFly, and to Mikey B, who came thru in the first 12 hours!!! WooHoo to friends!