Chapter Two

"So, what's her name?" Emily questioned Lucky. 
"Sarah, Sarah Webber. You knew that didn't you?" 
"Nope, all I knew was that she was Audrey's granddaughter." 
"And she is gorgeous, and sweet, and smart....hard working..." 
"Ooh-Lucky you got it BAD." Emily teased. 
"Oh, shut up." Lucky bantered back. 
"So, your first crush. So cute." 
"Not a crush, and not the first." 
Emily ignore the first part. 
"Not the first? Then who was the first?" 
"Remember Gina Williams?" 
"Oh yeah! Nikolas' persuit."
Just recently Nikolas had decided to persue Gina, whom he thought was beautiful. It broke Emily's 
heart, since she had a mad crush on Lucky's half brother. 
"Don't say that name. Yuck."
"Don't start! I loved that boy."
 "What about Mike?" Lucky asked, naming Emily's current flame. 
"He's ok. I mean, he is sweet, and nice, and cute, but...I don't know." 
"No sparks?" 
"Do you feel sparks with Sarah?" 
"Yeah....I mean, I think so. But, hey, don't you change the subject!" 
"I don't feel like talking about Mike, now. So, lets talk strategy?" 
"So, how do I ask her out?" 
"Sarah? Let's see, you say, 'Sarah-I was wondering if you would like to go to dinner with me 
this Saturday.'" 
"That's it?" 
"That's it." 
"Maybe it should be a group thing." 
"Well, you can save me by going on a double with me and Mike." 
"Ok. Cool. So, I'll call later." 
Emily raised her eyebrows. 
She smiled. 
"Fine I'll call now." 
Lucky nerrvously picked up the phone and dialed Audrey's number, it rang once, twice and 
then Audrey's farmiliar voice picked up. 
"Hello Audrey, this is Lucky Spencer, how are you feeling?" 
"Much better, thank I take it you want to talk to my beautiful granddaughter. "
"You got it." 
" minute...Sarah, telephone." 
"Hello?" Sarah's voice inquired. 
"Sarah, its Lucky Spencer." 
"Hi Lucky. How are you?" 
"Great. Well, I was wondering if you would like to go to dinner with me this Saturday, me 
and another best friend and her guy." 
"I'd love to." 
"Great. Mike drives, so we will pick you up at 7, ok?" 
"Perfect. Thanks. See you then." 
"Sure. Bye." 
Hey hung up. 
"She said yes?" 
"Yep." Lucky said smiling. 
"You rock! So Saturday, it will be so cool." 
"Anyways, have to go, drug counselour session." Emily said, rolling her eyes. 
"I'll walk you." 
"Great, lets go." 
And the two reunited friends left to the hospital.