Jasudben M.L. School has all the facilities necessary to cope with the changing needs of education. The base of knowledge is always expanding and so are the tools available for education. To continue to provide quality education, maximum facilities are made available to complement classroom learning.

LIBRARY: A spacious library is more of a media center than a collection of books. The students have the benefit of audio-visual aids as well as a wide variety of reading materials which cater to all the literary needs of staff and students and help them keep abreast with the world of today.

ART ROOM: An environment conducive to art education has been created. The student is given the freedom to work in the medium of his/her preference.

LABORATORIES: Science keeps advancing in leaps and bounds and a scientific temper has to be encouraged. There are three large, well-equipped laboratories where children of all ages can experiment under the guidance of a teacher. Science practicals benefit the students in more ways than one - their observation power is sharpened, they work independently, think logically and learn by doing - benefits that are lifelong.

COMPUTER CENTER: We are in the computer age. Children should possess "computer awareness". Computer studies is offered as an optional subject for Std. X at the ICSE level, but introduction to computers and basic courses are done earlier.

ASSEMBLY HALL: The assembly hall is a multipurpose space with a stage designed acoustically and treated with sound absorbant materials. It is also equipped with a sound amplification system and stage lighting system and will be used for the teaching of performing arts to oue students.

CANTEEN SERVICE: Provision for healthy nutritious foor is essential for growing children. A variety of tasty snacks as well as a well-balanced lunch are available daily in the canteen. The food is prepared hygenically under the supervision in a well-equipped kitchen on the premises.

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