Arleigh Burke
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Here's an interesting note and picture I received from Tracy Peters on 3 NOV 99.

My name is Tracy Peters and I was on the Kennedy from 1955 to 1957. Prior to that I was on a Destroyer Tender, the USS Yosemite D19. On board the Yosemite I was a radio striker and on a daily basis had to deliver messages to the then Commander of the Destroyer Force of the Atlantic Fleet, Arleigh Burke. As you know he later became CNO. Arleigh Burke was the individual who made it possible for me to transfer to the Kennedy just before it left for one of its many Northern Europe and Med cruises. One day he asked me how I liked being in the Navy and I told him I would like it better if I was on a ship that went somewhere. He said if you want to go somewhere there are four ships along side now that are going to be departing soon for Northern Europe and the Med and I can fix you up on one of them if you want. Two days later I was on the Kennedy. I didn't realize how important he was till later.

Going through some of my photos and stuff I found this brochure that I got shortly after I reported aboard the Kennedy in 55 and I thought you might have some need for it. I recently attended the reunion of the Kennedy and had a great time even if the ship was of a different configuration when I was on it.

31-Knot Burke

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