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A tour guide is giving a tour of a museum to a group of school kids. The tour guide leads them to the dinosaur section and they stop in front of the t-rex skeleton that has a glass cieling over it. The tour guide is going on about "their teeth where up to 7 inches long" while the kids stare in awe at the size of the t-rex. Then they here a pounding (very similar to the one in Jurassic Park when the t-rex is coming) the museum starts shaking with each thump and some dust falls down from the ceiling. Then the tour guide says something about "scientist believe that it was the largest carnivore ever to walk the earth" Then Godzilla's foot (several times larger than the t-rex skeleton) comes through the glass cieling lands on the t-rex skeleton then steps out of the museum. then a moment later you see godzilla's tail hover over the new hole in the roof for a couple seconds.
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