Story 10

O.K. it's halloween night and me and my friend sue, decide to drop some ty-die gels, we took 2 each and these things are strong, so anyway i call in sick to work that day and we eat them around 8 p.m. Everythings going great, we had one sober friend with us to drive us around from party to party. We went to the first party place and everyone tell us to leave the parties been moved, so we go to this persons field out in the middle of nowhere, where the parties at, and the first thing that happens is w e see a bunch of cars leaving from the party. Before we pull into the driveway we roll the windows down and ask whats going on and they say there's some kkk thing going on and drove off. BY then i was completely confsed and had to idea what to do or what was going on, so we drive into this windy driveway atleast i think it was widy and all the trees looked like huge pot holes in the st. for some reason so i started to cry, i truly thought we were gonna get in a huge accident when later i found out it was just a long narrow kinda windy rd. with lots of trees. so when we get to the end of the driveway we see a ton of people leaving and a bunch of people in kkk outfits maybe 50 of them all around a fire drinking beer, fighting, or laughing. I got so scared I thought it was real, so did sue, so we held hands and cried and cried and told the person driving to get the hell out of there we are gonna die, shes telling us its not real and laughing so that makes us more upset and finally she convinces us to get out the car, so we do and finally realize its fake and just start drinking and smoking and not paying attention to whats going on around us, so we see people getting beat up and find it the funniest thing so we realized we better get out of there before we get beat up so we go to another party with a little fire at it and it was so cold we stayed in the car the whole night for lile 3 hours and clamed until we couldn't see eachother. then we left and got food, went to the city and saw some amazing things, and finally we go back to my friends house and we are smoking bowls in here garage and her boyfriend calls, and to make a very long sttory shorter..they get in a fight he gets mad calls the cops on us,, then as we open the garage door guess who walks in...yeah exactly the damn cops, we got arrested and it sucked cause i was tripping and plus i was pretty damn stoned, so i found it funny as hell. To make the story worse the cops fucked with us so bad, i swear they knew we were tripping they pulled a toothbrush on us, saying it was a gun and they were gonna kill us, and we believed them but overall it was pretty good trip......