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P M PRINTER ADAPTOR $70.00 Shipping and handel $7.00 sales Tax? Total Print out type or write by hand To order the above Write on a fax Bob schlitz Consultant ID#20087 Deliver to Your Name address phone number Credit card info Number expiration date Signature you must sign and have the expiration when paying by credit cardPM Printer adaptor $70.00 Shipping $ 7.00 Sub total Sales tax total Fax to futurenet 805-295-1200 Or mail to Future-net 288460 Avenue Stanford Valencia Ca 91355 You can return any merchandise within 5 working days for a full refund Shipping charge is for the adaptor email for quotes on other items Thanks for your order Back To Main Page Robert Schlitz 1401 Schwenkmill road 800-484-1478 pin 8293 Perkasie, PA 18944 United States