Dazzling, Seductive, Extraordinary. Marilyn Monroe was the All-American sex goddess, a superstar legend with magnetic energy so strong she captured the world at her heels with her woman-child charm. Marilyn wasn’t the first platinum blonde to strike it big in Hollywood, but she had a glow and energy that was unmatched by any other personality. The voluptuous curves of her body and wide-eyed girlish giggles dominated every presence, as did her later rapturous pose of half-lidded eyes and a mega-smile that dripped with seduction for every camera to see. Her movies planted the characters she would learn to live by throughout her career; her on-screen roles paralleled the role she played off-screen. From Gentlemen Prefer Blondes in 1953 to Some Like It Hot in 1959, Marilyn was the silver screen diva of desire. While her life began rather simply as Norma Jean Baker, modeling in her late teens proved that she had a face cameras loved. Her entire being lived for the lens, and her acting skills were much more proficient than one might have guessed for a woman with so much appeal. If living for the camera was an integral part of her life, so too was a deep dread of the camera. Although always composed and seemingly in control, Marilyn often feared the public. This was understandable, particularly in the later years of her life, with increased expectations. In the end, Hollywood’s most luscious bombshell died in her sleep at the early age of 36. Elton John and Bernie Taupin once wrote of Marilyn, "The candle burned out long before the legend ever did." Her "candle" may have burned out, but Marilyn’s flames are shining brighter than ever.


The Shocking Miss Pilgrim (1947)

Scudda Hoo! Scudda Hay! (1948)... aka Summer Lightning (1948)

Dangerous Years (1948)

Love Happy (1949)

Ladies of the Chorus (1949)

A Ticket to Tomahawk (1950)

Right Cross (uncredited) (1950)

The Fireball (1950)...aka The Challenge (1950)

The Asphalt Jungle (1950)

All About Eve (1950)

Love Nest (1951)

Let's Make It Legal (1951)

Hometown Story (1951)

As Young as You Feel (1951)

We're Not Married (1952)

O. Henry's Full House (1952)

Monkey Business (1952)

Don't Bother to Knock (1952)

Clash by Night (1952)

Niagara (1953)

How to Marry a Millionaire (1953)

Gentlemen Prefer Blondes (1953)

There's No Business Like Show Business (1954)

River of No Return (1954)

The Seven Year Itch (1955)

Bus Stop (1956)... aka Wrong Kind of Girl, The (1956)

The Prince and the Showgirl (1957)

Some Like It Hot (1959)

Let's Make Love (1961)... aka The Billionaire (1960)... aka The Millionaire (1960)

The Misfits (1961)