Downloadable Genealogy Software
Family Archive Viewer (16-bit)
From: Broderbund pick
Version 3.02
Release date June 13, 1997
File size 3.5MB
Downloads 2,946
License Demo
Minimum reqs. Windows 3.x
Approx. download time 16 min. at 28.8 kbps
The Family Archive Viewer is a reduced version of Family Tree Maker for Windows. Use the Family Archive Viewer if you do not have Family Tree Maker but still want to take advantage of the wealth of information available on Broderbund's Family Archive CDs. To discover which Family Archive CDs may contain information about your ancestors, you can use the FamilyFinder Index. The Family Archive Viewer is also a demonstration version of Family Tree Maker. Almost all of the normal Family Tree Maker features are functional, but you are limited to a 20-person tree. It preserves and organizes any kind of family information, using multimedia, if you wish. It also prints a large variety of trees and reports and has versatile and attractive output.
Ancestral Quest
From: Incline Software popular
Version 2.1
Release date July 27, 1998
File size 1.9MB
Downloads 28,016
License Demo
Minimum reqs. Windows 3.x
Approx. download time 9 min. at 28.8 kbps
Ancestral Quest is an exciting Windows program that makes it possible for anyone to perform genealogy. It is easy to learn and fun to use. Version 2.1 adds custom reporting, generation of a Web page from your data, event calendars, new LDS features, and the ability to select an entire branch of your family tree.
Cumberland Family Tree (16-bit)
From: Cumberland Family Software popular
Version 2.27
Release date December 16, 1997
File size 2.6MB
Downloads 4,660
License Shareware
Minimum reqs. Windows 3.x
Approx. download time 12 min. at 28.8 kbps
Cumberland Family Tree is a comprehensive genealogy program. The program offers several features, including the ability to create a family history book. Users input lifetime events and attach notes to create a complete biography on each individual in the database. This multifeatured program supports text, scanned images, and photographs. Users can choose to create individual reports.
Cumberland Family Tree (32-bit)
From: Cumberland Family Software popular
Version 2.27x
Release date December 16, 1997
File size 2.6MB
Downloads 41,136
License Shareware
Minimum reqs. Windows 95/NT
Approx. download time 12 min. at 28.8 kbps
Cumberland Family Tree is a comprehensive genealogy program. The program offers several features, including the ability to create a family history book. Users input lifetime events and attach notes to create a complete biography on each individual in the database. This multifeatured program supports text, scanned images, and photographs. Users can choose to create individual reports.
Cumberland Family Tree Professional
From: Cumberland Family Software.
Version 4.1e
Release date October 18, 1996
File size 526K
Downloads 16,481
License Shareware
Minimum reqs. DOS 5.0 or higher
Approx. download time 2 min. at 28.8 kbps
Cumberland Family Tree Professional is a powerful and easy-to-use genealogy program. Features user-defined events, source notes, up to five pages of notes per individual, reports, and a book index. International options include: reports in eight different languages; surname beginning, middle, or end; accented characters allowed. Occupation, Soundex, flags, relationship calculator, date calculator, addresses, and GEDCOM are other features.
Cumberland Story
From: Cumberland Family Software popular
Version 1.2
Release date October 18, 1996
File size 223K
Downloads 3,826
License Shareware
Approx. download time about 1 min. at 28.8 kbps
Write your own or your ancestors' life story. The program includes word processor with cut and paste features, pull-down menus, online help, suggested or user-defined chapters and topics, ASCII import and export, and multi-entry text search. The prompts help outline your story with ideas to write about. It also allows creation of multiple books.
Family Matters 97
From: MatterWare new
Version 4.12
Release date April 5, 1999
File size 10.9MB
Downloads 72
License Shareware
Approx. download time 51 min. at 28.8 kbps
Family Matters 97 is a simple and intuitive genealogy program for both experienced and inexperienced users. It features a graphical user interface; automatic data linking; unlimited databases for family member entries, events, and photos; a quick search function; chart and report printing; and more. See a screen shot here. Registration for Family Matters 97 costs $25.
From: Phil Sapiro popular
Version 3.0
Release date March 23, 1999
File size 617K
Downloads 834
License Shareware
Minimum reqs. Windows 95/98
Approx. download time 2 min. at 28.8 kbps
Famtree allows you to create ancestry and family tree charts. Simply fill in a form for each individual, link them with a couple of mouse clicks, then produce your tree. Famtree uses and creates industry-standard Gedcom files. This shareware version will allow you to enter new files for only 40 names. It will load and work with larger Gedcom files from other sources, but these cannot be edited. The cost to register is $20.
From: Morten Salthe popular
Version 2.0 beta
Release date October 29, 1998
File size 539K
Downloads 33,766
License Shareware
Minimum reqs. Windows 95/NT
Approx. download time 2 min. at 28.8 kbps
GenDesigner is for graphing, editing, and distributing family trees. You may include additional text and pictures for each person as well as distribute your genealogical tree on the Internet. A sample family tree comes with the application. This new version includes Gedcom compatibility, support for international chartsets, and the ability to print all or part of your tree, choose sizes, and customize HTML generation. The registration fee is $29.95.
From: Daniel Morin popular
Version 1.04
Release date September 16, 1998
File size 183K
Downloads 9,251
License Free
Minimum reqs. Windows 95/NT
Approx. download time less than 1 min. at 28.8 kbps
Generations is a program for building genealogy trees. Generations can display trees with an unlimited number of generations and can handle reconstructed families. For each member and each marriage, you can add multiple pictures, with a description for each picture. Generations is a 32-bit graphical application that supports standard features such as long filenames, print, print preview, cut-and-paste, drag-and-drop, zoom in/zoom out, and unlimited undo/redo. This updated version includes word wrap, multiple page printing, bookmarks, gridlines and mouse coordinates, and a statistics dialog.
From: Genius Solutions
Version 1.51
Release date January 22, 1999
File size 944K
Downloads 12,388
License Shareware
Minimum reqs. Windows 3.x, 4MB RAM
Approx. download time 4 min. at 28.8 kbps
This Windows-based family tree record keeper features graphic visual display and simplicity of operation. The family tree screen displays four generations of family members, including parents, grandparents, one partner, up to two siblings, up to four children, and the currently selected person. Navigation is simple: selecting any person displayed on the family tree by clicking the mouse (or using the keyboard), you can view, edit, or print the information. Search for and select an individual by family name or number. Information on up to 10,000 people can be stored. Notes on individuals are limited to 30,000 characters (about 4,000 words). This updated version adds more printing options, multiple family records, and Web page generation from your family records.
Immigration Navigator
From: Pyramid Information Technology
Version 1.0
Release date October 30, 1997
File size 421K
Downloads 1,939
License Shareware
Minimum reqs. Windows 95/NT
Approx. download time about 1 min. at 28.8 kbps
Immigration Navigator can help you learn the latest U.S. immigration laws and procedures in order to apply for a Green Card. Immigration Navigator will also advise you on locating free consultations from attorneys. Most of all, you can get updated information concerning the 1998 Green Card Lottery.
Kinship Archivist
From: Singularity Solutions Inc. popular
Version 1.9
Release date August 20, 1998
File size 751K
Downloads 5,928
License Shareware
Minimum reqs. Windows 3.x
Approx. download time 3 min. at 28.8 kbps
Kinship Archivist, formerly Ancestry, is designed to aid a Web designer in setting up a family genealogy tree on the Internet. The program attempts to provide a user-friendly method for entering and changing complex genealogical relationships and information. Additionally, Kinship Archivist allows for importing and exporting Gedcom (version 5.5) standard files, and it allows for exporting HTML files. Web pages that are created can be placed on the Web and shared with other family members or genealogists. Web surfers can provide feedback via email by selecting the Edit button found on each Web page. This email automatically contains page numbers for quick database corrections. This updated version includes an automatic FTP copy function, a Back button, a Go menu, birthplace and birth date masking, and a more simplified user interface.
Ultimate Family Tree Standard
From: Palladium Interactive popular
Version 2.7
Release date May 27, 1998
File size 10.5K
Downloads 5,381
License Demo
Minimum reqs. 486, Windows 3.x, 8MB RAM
Approx. download time less than 1 min. at 28.8 kbps
Ultimate Family Tree has the standard features expected in genealogy software, but it also lets you create family trees and complete family journals that can be customized by scanning in pictures, marriage licenses, birth certificates, and more. This software features online access to helpful resources and can help you create your own family history Web pages with its Web page editor
Visa Navigator
From: Pyramid Information Technology
Version 1.0
Release date October 30, 1997
File size 421K
Downloads 866
License Shareware
Minimum reqs. Windows 95/NT
Approx. download time about 1 min. at 28.8 kbps
Visa Navigator will help you learn the latest U.S. non-immigration laws and procedures required for the H1-B work visa. Visa Navigator will also provide a list of resources where you can receive free consultation from attorneys. Most of all, with the help of the program, you can even get the necessary information to apply for the visa yourself.
From: Cremsoft
Version 1.7b
Release date March 22, 1999
File size 342K
Downloads 457
License Shareware
Minimum reqs. Windows 3.x/95
Approx. download time about 1 min. at 28.8 kbps
WinGenea is a program that stores overall details of a family or project together with the details of up to 32,000 individuals and how they relate to each other. These individuals and their relationships are displayed as a standard dropline chart. You can draw three different versions of the chart for each data file and switch between them. Enter names, dates, places and sources for each person, and attach bitmaps from your scanned photographs (see screen shot). Up to 32,000 characters of free text can be entered for each person. Position individuals where you want them on the chart using drag-and-drop. If they're married then their spouse moves too. A "Show Pedigree of..." function provides a starting point for organizing the chart, arranging it so that it is comprised of direct lineage based on the selected person. Remaining persons are added to a toolbar list from where you can drag and drop them onto the chart if you wish. You can open GEDCOM files produced by other genealogy programs and convert the data to WinGenea format. Similarly you can save the currently open WinGenea file in GEDCOM format, or in CSV format, enabling the data to be read into a database or spreadsheet. Charts, family, group and individual details, indexes of all individuals, a timeline of events, an Ahnentafel report for any individual, and a calendar of births and marriages, can all be printed. This is a 30-day trial version.
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Updated 17/8/2000