All About Me

Name: Jacqueline Rigby
Date of Birth: 8th March 1967
Home Town:Darwen, Lancashire, England.
Hobbies: I'm mainly into Genealogy, but I love Reading, and going to shows, I'm a gin player now and I'm usually found in the Gin room (Open Room 1) at Yahoo Games.
Online Friends: My Sister of course, usually found playing gin with me.
Where To Find Me Online: Playing Gin in Open Room 1, (of course) or playing Cashwars
Favorite Food: Anything not containing meat.
Favorite Drink: Anything containing Alcohol and Caffine.
Favorite Author: Jilly Cooper
Favorite Books: Riders, Rival, Polo, ect (all by Jilly Cooper)
Favorite Actor: Mel Gibson (full of Wit and Stupidity, and good looking to go with it)
Favorite Acress: Sigourney Weaver, (as I think she can carry quite a few different rolls)
Favorite Film: Bonnie and Clyde (with Faye and Warren)
Favorite Animal: Spiders, Used to own a Tarantula (Boris) sadly he died. We have now got a cat (well its not our cat, its a neighbours cat who has adopted us as her parents), we didn't know her name so we call her Chuch, also we have another cat visitor named white socks who visits us when its either raining or she's hungry
Favorite Music: At the moment it has to be Natalie Imbruglia and Catatonia, but also love listening to Bon Jovi, Faith No More, Crash Test Dummies, and Alisha's Attic.
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Updated 17/8/2000