Personal Ancestory Files
and Family Trees
I had an idea whilst putting my family tree on line. Why not make a website for Family Trees for all to view and share, (I'm probably behind times) but there is nothing to lose by trying.
I would be grateful to receive your online Family Trees to add to this page so that together we can get together and share out information.
This is the start so I will begin with my Tree for you all to view and hopefully somebody will connect with a line somewhere, then again maybe not.
This Page Belongs to Jacqui Fraser
Surnames of Interest :- ? , Anderson , Banister , Bury , Charnley , Chisholm , Dunbar , Duxbury , Fraser , Gillan , Graham , Green , Greenhalgh , Griffiths , Hay , Hindle , Holden , Kershaw , Kirkham , Lentner , Matheson , McGruer , Morrey , Nancy , Nicholl , Robertson , Ross , Smith , Stewart , Sutor , Unknown
Places of Interest :- Inverness, Moray, Lancashire, Canada.
This next line could be your tree to share, Just email me with the page of your tree and the Surnames interest and Places interest you are seeking and I will add you tree to hopefully a long list of distant cousins.
This Page will hopefully always under Construction
Created 14/8/2000
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I am alway on the look out to add more things to my website to make it as helpful as possible, if you have a web page that you think may be of some interest to me, maybe there is something you'd like to see on my page then please let me know. If you have trouble accessing any sites please e-mail me and I'll check them out.
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