I have personally gotten this charcter 2 times.(so far).One time he has turned into the secret charcter.To get the masuku-chi try to be good to your tam but not as well as if you were trying to get the mametchi.Make sure he is diciplined when he needs it and doesn't eat any snacks.Once he is the mask try to didcipline him when he don't need it and still be good to him and he will trun into the secret charcter.
English Translation: Mask
Nickname: The Mask
Masuku-chi (ma-sue-koo-chee) goes to bed late, sleeps late, and is said
to be selfish. It is also rumored to turn into the SECRET CHARACTER. Its
life span, as with all other adult tams, depends on how well you take
care of it.
Bedtime: 11pm
Wakes Up: 11am
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