About Me and Days

Finally! I have been meaning to a make a Days page for like, 2 years, and I just got around to doing it. I watch Days every day. When I'm at school, I just tape it on my ol' reliable VCR and watch it when I get home. I watch it every day in the summer, too. I've been watching for about 5 years. I've met two actors from Days of Our Lives in person, Austin Peck and Jensen Ackles. Days is my absolute favorite soap opera. However, I also watch Sunset Beach.

I am aware that this page still needs some work, but I'm still working on it. I'm busy most of the time with school, dance, other activities, and keeping my personal web page updated. Besides watching Days, I enjoy surfing the net, listening to music, dancing, talking with my friends, trying to roller blade, cooking foods with my friend Jez, and swimming.


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