Crazy Quotes

This page contains a few quotes that are either commonly heard on Days of Our Lives or were so hilarious I couldn't resist remembering them and putting them on here.

Stefano: "At ease!" "It is more honorable to die than to be captured."

Roman: "Who? Who? It's you Doc. It's you. It is you- Doc."

Marlena: "Oh you!"

Austin: "I ain't never gonna give up Carrie."

Abby: "Mommy! Daddy! Blah, blah, blah, blah."

Alice: "Follow your heart dear. What does it tell you to do?"

Gina: "I simply cahn't do it Steffy!" "Steffy got stuffy!"

Shawn D: "All I want for Christmas is for you and mom to be together."

John: "Chelsea why don't you watch the kids for the rest of the day?" "Kids go tell Chelsea to take you to the park. I'll have cook make you somethin'."


**Thank you to Tiffany for giving me these ideas and quotes!

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