Band Pics

There's Max and me. Of course, I seem to be more thrilled about it than he is.... Jon and Tony never tire of signing autographs The guys take a break before their next song

Jeannie, Max and Tara, what a lovely triple, Tara and I take advantage of the photo op with the band! Hey Max, all that signing making you sleepy?

And here I am in front of the 'Eve 6 Ghetto Van' Max so diligently signs away Max and Tony play a little for us during soundcheck

Whoa Tony, love the pants man. Whatcha lookin' for? Is this Storytellers or what? I guess it's break time Good show guys! Now come back and sign my liner notes!

Isn't playing a couple songs the pits? Check 1, 2, 3. Max graces us with his wonderful annoying sound check (the suspense is killing us Max!!)

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