Concert Reviews

June 8, 1998 Pittsburgh, PA IC Light Amphitheatre I went to see Third Eye Blind primarily, but ended up enjoying both Eve 6 and OLP's sets so much that I bought their CDs within the next week. Eve 6 had an awesome set (obviously) but I wasn't really into them going into the concert. Once I heard Showerhead though, I was hooked. They had a lot of energy and sounded a little on the cool side "F this F that" but they were great. They also were pushing their merchandise which was kinda funny. Like, after every song they'd be like "Go buy our CD or our t-shirt." 'Twas funny. But all in all I had a blast. I'm psyched to see them in Barrie ON soon. It's gonna rock!!

BOO-YAH! My friend and I got to Blockbuster Music in Atlanta at 11:30 a.m. for a free Eve 6 show at 5:00! We was just chillin there with our food and Jane's Addiction all day until finally at like 3:30 this ghetto lookin van with lots of people and equipment in it pulls up and we were like "Oh yeah bitch! This is it!" They were too nice and shook our hands, asked our names, blah blah blah. I told them we got off work for this and were here since 11:30 and Max was like "Well good for you!" Jon colored his hair red and i was like "Are you trying to be cool like Max?" (strictly kidding ofcourse) and Max laughed. I don't think Jon found it funny. Oh well. Also, at work one day I found this little styrophone monkey. It's cool, it's yellow and it's got "Max" printed on its shirt, and I colored his hair orange and gave him 2 earrings in the ears and gave it to Max. I said,"Youre probably just gonna throw it away," and he was like, "Nah man this is cool! Oh did you color this? Yeah I'm gonna make this into a keychain!" I was like cool. It was cool cause we was just chillin in Blockbuster, no security or nothin! Jon was tellin us all about Jessy on MTV and he said that the guy is like 7'11" and he really talks like that in real life. But out of them all Tony was the sweetest. He's just a real outgoing, sociable guy. They only played 3 songs, "Open Road Song," "Inside Out" and i believe "Leech" then they did an autograph session. It was cool. Oh and I'd like to give a big shout out to my new friend AUBREY!!!! Cause she rocks! We three met up on accident and ended up chillin with Max and all. It was cool. Well there's my little story so I hope you all enjoyed! I can't wait to see them again on the 14'th of August! It'll rock! Well, i'm done, later! ~Tara <3

This past weekend (August 23), Aubree' and i went to Summersault '98. For those of you who dont know, it's this huge festival touring Canada. Some of the bands that were at the show we went to were Harvey Danger, I Mother Earth, Garbage, Fuel, Our Lady Peace (yea), and Eve6. Everyone basically rocked. Eve6 had a good set, pretty similar to the one they played in Pittsburgh. I know they played "How Much Longer", "Showerhead", "Open Road Song", "Inside Out", "Small Town Trap", "Super Hero Girl", and the peter paul and mary classic "Jet Plane". This seems about (you can pronounce "about" with canadian accent for the full effect) right for a set, because they weren't on the main stage, and the sets were kind of short, but they may have played one or two more songs. Aubree' was a little upset because Max was wearing the same shirt that he wore in Atlanta. And, she's seen him wear the shirt he wore in Pgh on interviews and stuff, soshe's convinced he only owns two shirts. They were alot of fun, and Tony is so cute. For Harvey Danger, I only knew the one song, "Flagpole Sitta", and that was fun, but i didn't care much for the rest of the set, in fact i think we left after "the" song. The next band we saw was Fuel, and they rocked so much, to anyone in Pittsburgh, they will be here on Sept 10th, and I highly recommend going. Their set(not in exact order) was "Untitled", "Bittersweet", "Jesus or a Gun", "Shimmer", "Sunburn", "Mary Pretends", and "Ozone". They were so awesome. Brett (singer) was thrasing around the stage so much, and he had the mike cord around his neck, i thought he was going to kill himself. This set was so much fun, they played all of the songs we wanted them too. After Fuel, we walked around for a while, and checked out the three ring circus set up, which was way overrated. I did not see a demonic balloon making clown. They had a freak show with a weird guy who stuck thinkgs in his face and arms, and it was pretty gross, and then another girl who was eating lightbulbs and bugs. They had a little exhibit, which sucked, and you had to pay a Candian dollar to get in. There was a tiny two snouted, three eyed pig, which was so little (about hamster size) you couldnt tell if it was real ot not. Then there was the elephant man, which was not a big deal, and the Fiji mermaid. right before I Mother Earth, it poured for about a minute, which was enough to thouroughly soak everyone. I know they played "One More Astronaut", "3 Days Old", and "Used to be Alright". I know they played a few more songs from Scenery and Fish, but i just cant recall them. And, about the new singer, I really heard no difference between this one and Edwin, but I had never seen them live before. Overall, they were pretty good. Next was Garbage, whom I dont know at all, but I know they played "Stupid Girl", and where she normally sings the line "stupid girl", she instead sang "I'll tell you want i want, what i really really want", which i thought was pretty cool, anything making fun of the spice girls rocks. The only other song I know they played was "Push it". I guess they were ok, but i cant really say. Shirley has a cool voice, and such a fun accent. And finally, the highlight of the evening, Our Lady Peace. The two other people Aubree' and I were with left after Garbage, whatever... Anyways. They rocked so much. They were so wonderful. We were pretty close, but still had problems seeing. They had these weird movies playing on a screen behind them the whole time. I have no idea what the movie (s?) was (were?). It was weird, and in black and white, with no sound (obviously). One part looked like it oculd've been the phantom of the opera, but i'm not sure. Ok, their set went a new song which was good, a bit more mellow, which is supposedly being caled "Yourself". Then they palyed "Birdamn", which, i hate to be so critical, but a little on the slow side, I would have liked it to be a little quicker. They added a new part to it, nit a new verse, just Raine saying one line About him lying over and over. Raine went psycho during this song. He was dancing, and falling over the stage. And, something else i hate to do, because i know they would hate it but it reminded me of when Jim Morrison would do those weird Rain Dances (no pun intended he he he) on stage. "Naveed", was next which was wonderful, and during the little break in the middle of the song, Raine welcomed us, and told a little about Summersault and stuff. He has such an awesome voice, even when just talking. Then they played "Starseed" which was fun. Raine then said something about how there are two types of people in this world, the ones you can trust and are honest, and then there are the ones that smile to you when you face them, but the minute you turn your back, they talk about you. THese people are divided by a fence, and all of us there were on the good side of the fence, and we needed to be careful of the other people. From this, they went into "Superman's dead", which rocked. "Carnival" was next. The old movie stopped playing on the screen for this song, and they had these tye-dyed light effects going. Much too Aubree's delight, they played "Julia" next. After "Julia", they lowered these big lights over the stage They reminded me of the ones that are in old wharehouses, or perhaps and old car repair shop, because they played "car Crash". This song wasawesome. At the end where Raine is screaming, was great, different from what was on the Cd, but so wonderful. He has such a cool voice. Then they played "Automatic Flowers", which is an all time favourite. Raine then said that he was having a shit night up there on stage, which is so untrue, they were so great, but he was going to change that, and everyone was going to sing. They played "4am" which was so cool with everyone singing. Then Raine thanked evertone for coming, and said that they had one more song, and then crystal method would be on. He told everyone to be careful because it looked like it was going to storm again. Then they palyed "Clumsy", which was really good. I loved their set, I wish they would've played denied, but i think i am the only person that loves that song. They were so great, and have such an awesome stage presence. This is probably the best concert I've ever been too, and if it ever comes back, I know we're going!

Summersault98 Barrie, ON August 23, 1998. Where do I begin? I went with one of my roomies who adores OLP and two other people *blah*. Anyhow, we got there late, and showed up at the end of Eve 6's first song How Much Longer. Then they played a few more songs (awesome set of course) and were off. I was very pissed we showed up late, but it was my third concert of theirs, so I didn't really miss anything (besides, I already met them in Atlanta!) :-)

Next was Harvey Danger, and they were alright. We only knew Flagpole Sitta. After them was Fuel. They fucking rocked!! My roommies and I are going to see them twice more because their set was so awesome. They played every song we wanted them to. They had so much energy and sounded so great. It was awesome.

Then it started to rain. It rained periodically throughout the day. After Fuel was I Mother Earth, and I only knew one song from them, One More Astronaut. Next was Garbage and they had a really good set. Shirley was great. She seemed really cool and they played the 3 songs I knew which rock.

And then........the main reason I went to Canadia and rode in a car for 7+ hours, OLP!! Awesome, awesome, awesome! They played one of my fav songs Julia plus all the other OLP classics. It was jammed packed, but rocked my world. Raine is so hot and has such the stage presence. Oh swoon!

Thus ends my Summersault experience. :-)

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