I have an apartment this year with one of my best buds Megan. Way cooler than my psychotic roommates from last year, so I know we're gonna have a blast this year. Music. Man, I can't even begin to express how important music is in my life. I listen to it everywhere. In the shower, when I'm changing, when I'm cleaning, cooking, studying, driving, EVERYWHERE! My best friend thinks I have a serious psychological prob because of it, but he's a freak so who cares, right? My favorite bands of all time are Everclear and Alice in Chains (click on them to join their mailing lists). If you're an Everclear fan, you would've picked up on my background (it's from the CD Heroin Girl for those of you oblivious). Everclear has rocked my world ever since I began listening to them in January. And I've loved AIC for even longer. They're two totally different styles, but I love them just the same. I'm still holding out for another AIC album!! (I know, I'm in denial). OLP rocks too. And of course, I like Eve 6 A LOT. I got to meet them and I have their autographs and a few momentos from my Eve 6 Experience. They're here so check 'em out. I can't fail to mention another band that absolutely rocks, Fuel. I've seen them 6 times so far and they are so great it's crazy. My roommates and I got to meet them, and whenever I scan the pics I'll have them up. There's more to this band than just Shimmer, so if you don't have the CD, go buy it! NOW!! So in a few words, I guess you could say I'm a sort of "Alternagirl" or whatever cuz I'm hooked on it like heroin (the drug of choice for most modern rock bands). I have a few pics of my bestest friends, my boyfriend Joe and my family(to be added later) So click away and enjoy!