Magakat City is in deep kitty litter and 
only the SWAT KATS can save us. With thier 
many Geezmo's and Gadgets, They can fight 
anything AND everything, but the main thing
they like to use is Brain!! They work-out
everyday when they're not busy working-on
the Junkyard.  They havn't made it on the 
movie screen, but they belong on the t.v 
screen. I don't know why, but they just 
fit perfectly on the T.V.  Well, It's the 
same thing with Star Wars, It's better on
the big screen. but, That's another story.

I'm low on the Fan page, so if you have 
anything, stories, idea's, pictures, ect.
email me.  Subject: SWATKAT FANFIC

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You a SWAT KAT Fan? Then Check these out.

Klawz' SWAT Kats Devotional
Great page, recommended by a close friend