Last updated on February 24, 1997

Some of these thoughts are mine, the rest comes from various people whose name I often do not remember. Just thoughts, I don't have the space to develop them. Last added are at the top of this document.

Why are people so concerned about protecting Free Speech?  All they know is loose talk.

"They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety."

                                                                                                                                - Franklin, Benjamin

Have you ever thought that AIDS is not a disease? I have been thinking this for many years.... have a look at this!

Have you ever thought that, probably, tabaco does not cause cancer ..... that it is the chemicals added to it, to make cigarettes, that cause cancer .....

Do people always greet their visitors at the door saying: "You are visitor number xxx"? Yet that we get on most home pages! How silly.

A man who does not read the newspaper can be better informed than one who does. (This was said before radio and TV were in existence). Now, we should add "... and who does not watch TV nor listen to the radio...".

Life is too serious to be taken seriously.

Education is not the accumulation of information, nor training nor the acquisition of a skill. It is the process of developing oneself. The purpose for a teacher is to set conditions condusive to this development, not to pass information.

Our electoral system seems to have a major flaw.

If you do not like what a merchant has to offer, you have the option of not buying; and if enough people exercise this option, the merchant will have to change the merchandise he offers or go out of business.

With the government however it is different. You MUST choose among the candidates or else your vote will NOT be counted. This means the government treats you as if you had not voted. How odd that we call this "Freedom of choice".

We are so used to deception that instead of "gifts" we have "free gifts", instead of "leather" we have "real leather".

We talk a lot about "free speach" but most of what we hear is just "loose talk".

Believers and unbelievers are in the same boat: they don't know. He who knows neither believes nor disbelieves.

How odd ... we spend more and more money ... the kids are more and more ignorant, yet we never seem to notice the cause : the teaching system .... including many teachers.

Have you noticed? At the Post Office, many signs are both in English and in Spanish .... isn't that discrimination?