Sarah Brightman

Hello! This is a place where everybody can see the beautiful works of Miss Sarah Brightman. Many people visiting this site may recognize her, being the ex-wife of Lord Andrew Lloyd Webber. She has starred in many Webber plays including : The Phantom of the Opera, Aspects of Love, Tell Me On a Sunday, and she premiered the soprano role in the Requiem mass. Since they divorced, Sarah Brightman is now involved with German producer Frank Peterson, who has produced several Sarah Brightman solo albums, including Dive, Timeless, and Fly. He has co-written songs on Fly and Dive, and has written one song (that's what I think it is) No One Like You. Miss Sarah Brightman has several other albums, though, including Surrender, The Songs that Got Away, As I Came of Age, and a lot of singles including Captain Nemo, Once in A Lifetime, The Phantom of the Opera, Time to Say Goodbye, Just Show me How to Love You, Tu Quieres Volver, and she also has vocals on the new CD Single, Starship Troopers. She was in a group when she was about 18, called Hot Gossip, featuring black men and white girls. She has divorced 2 men, Andrew Graham Stewart, and Lord Andrew Lloyd Webber, but still says that she hopes Andrew Lloyd Webber and her are friends forever. If you find any more information, please e-mail me at, and I will be more than happy to add it!

If you're a Sarah fan, you've visited this site times.

My Favorite Links

Sarah Brightman's Unexpected Forum:
Elden's Premiere Sarah Brightman Page:
The World of Insanity: A Page by Ellen with Sarah Brightman in one of the links
Nick's Awesome Sarah Brightman Page:
CDNOW: Click here to buy Sarah's CD's