Please come in and enjoy the green grass,a soft summer breeze,flowers, the critter population and a nice drink of cold water or lemonade, just made for your thirst and pleasure.
Trees, Flowers, Potted Plants, Herbs
We have been thinking about how nice it would be to share our
gardening ideas and techniques that we have learned over the
years. In view of that, I have just brainstormed a bit with thoughts
that might be interesting and useful to our visitors. We would like to make this a special place where you may come to learn about
gardening for pleasure, food on the table or herbs that may help to
heal your body, spirit or mind.
We welcome you to e-mail us and tell us what you like about gardening and how it influences your life. Whether you love fresh flowers, potted plants, trees, shrubs, edible fruits and vegetables, or herbs, I feel sure that you will find some pleasure
in the blossoms, sounds, fragrance, bubbling fountains or a flowing pond of a beautiful garden. It can be in your mind or in your
back yard, which ever you prefer.
No one has to be an expert here,and the objective is to teach our visitors and also to learn from you.
Please, let us hear from you and tell us why you love your garden.
~Flower Chorus~
Garden Links
P. Allen Smith
Bringing You Fresh Ideas From the Garden
Please Sign Our Guestbook Before Leaving!
Click On the Logo and Listen to More Beautiful Music by Margi Harrell
We bought the CD for our website and you would enjoy it too!!
Copyright 1999-2004
Two Hearts Are Better Than One
All Rights Reserved
Page Last Updated July 12, 2004