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Free   Web   Pages

This is a listing of free web pages. If I list it here, it is pretty good. If you don't currently have a web page, take my advice- Get one while they're FREE!!!

Free Web Page Providers

20MB of
webspace and email for FREE! Click here!

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Fortune City, Possibly the best provider out there. They give you the biggest ammount of web space for free, 20 megabites, which gives you basically all the freedome you could ask for. They also give you free e-mail and access to a large clip art library. Even if you can't create web pages on your own you can carve out a little cubby in cyberspace to call your own. They have a page creator that anyone can use. Deffinetly a must.

Good and Free
I like Tripod better, but Geocities is still pretty cool.
If you can read German, go here!
I'll have to go here sometime, sounds almost too good.
Haven't tried it yet.
Havent tried yet

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